Theory of Computation
Aug - Nov 2023

Evaluation Policy

This page outlines the evaluation policies for the course Theory of Computation offered as CS3050 and CS5017.

For CS3050

Following is the policy.

For CS5017

Following is the policy.


There will be two quizzes: Quiz 1 and Quiz 2, which will happen in the A slot during the quiz weeks from 08.00 AM to 08.50 AM on the day announced by the institute Academic section.

Exam Date
Quiz 1 Sep 18, 08.00 AM to 08.50 AM
Quiz 2 Oct 30, 08.00 AM to 08.50 AM
Final Exam Nov 28, 09.30 AM to 12.30 PM


There will be 5 tutorial sessions whose schedule is given in the table below. To provide enough practise, we will also be releasing practise problem sets at regular intervals. See tutorials page for a detailed schedule.

The student answers sheets will be evaluated and returned within a week.

Programming/Teaching activity

There are two optional assignment that will be released around the middle of the course. They can be taken up in groups of at most two students. They are of two types: programming and teaching.


In this activity, you will be given a programming task which is related to the course content. Detailed problem statement and test cases will be provided. You have the freedom to solve it in the programming language of your choice.


Here, you will be assigned a list of topics that are closely related to the course content. You will be asked to read them up on your own and present it to the instructor / TAs similar to a regular lecture.