Computational Complexity
Jan - May 2023

Evaluation Plan

This page outlines the evaluation plan for this course. Any changes to the plan will be updated here. The split up is as follows:

  1. Problems sets - 30% (Best 5 of 6, 6% each)
  2. Scribing - 10% (1-2 lectures per person)
  3. Quizzes - 20% (mid quiz) + 30% 40% (end quiz)
  4. Course presentations - 10%

1. Problem set schedule

Please see problem sets page for more details.

2. Scribing

There will be about 42 lectures. Depending on the enrollment strength, each student will have to scribe 1-2 lectures. A template for scribing will be provided in the course moodle page.

3. Quizzes

There will be a mid sem and one end sem quiz. The mid sem quiz is scheduled on March 7 March 11, Saturday from 10 AM onwards. The end sem quiz will happen in the end exam week (May 08 to May 19).

4. Course presentations

Each student needs to present a few research articles as course presentation. The topics will be given by third week of March. Details will be updated by mid March.