Advanced Computational Complexity
Aug - Nov 2022


Following is an outline of lectures given along with references and links to additional reading.

Lec 1 (25 Aug, Thu) : Course plan and broad overview of the complexity landscape. Administrative info. Computation and why study it.

Reading : Kozen Lec 1. For a broad perspective of the theory of computing, see Chapter 20 of this very nice book.

Lec 2 (30 Aug, Tue) : Randomized classes $\RP$, properties, error amplification

Reading : Kozen Lec 13, Arora-Barak Chap. 7

Lec 3 (01 Sep, Thu) : DeMillo-Lipton-Schwartz-Zippel lemma and applications

Reading : Arora-Barak sec 7.2

Lec 4 (06 Sep, Tue) : Polynomial identity testing. Examples - Bipartite perfect matching, Primality testing. Primality testing in $\co\RP$. Classes $\ZPP$, $\PP$. Containments

Reading : Arora-Barak sec 7.3, sec 7.4, sec 7.5

Lec 5 (13 Sep, Tue) : Error amplification in BPP, Non-uniform models - PSIZE, $\P/\poly$, Adleman's theorem

Reading : Arora-Barak sec 7.5, sec 6.1

Lec 6 (15 Sep, Thu) : Sipser-Gacs theorem

Reading : Kozen Lec 14

Lec 7 (20 Sep, Tue) : Karp-Lipton hierarchy collapse

Reading : Arora-Barak sec 6.3, 6.4

Lec 8 (22 Sep, Thu) : Cancelled. To be compensated.

Reading :

Lec 9 (27 Sep, Tue) : Randomness in space - $\RL, \BPL, \ZPL$. Random walk on regular undirected graphs with self loops.

Reading : Arora-Barak sec 7.7, sec 21.1

Lec 10 (29 Sep, Thu) : Convergence of the random walk and relation to second largest eigenvalue.

Reading : Arora-Barak sec 21.1

Lec () (04 Oct, Tue) : Recess break

Lec 11 (06 Oct, Thu) : Bounding the second largest eigenvalue away from $1$. Completed proof of $UREACH \in \RL$.

Reading : Arora-Barak sec 21.1

Lec 12 (11 Oct, Tue) : Berman Hartmanis conjecture and Mahaney's theorem. Applications.

Reading : Kozen Lec 29

Lec 13 (13 Oct, Thu) : Counting complexity. Motivation and examples. The classes $\FP$, $\#\P$. Counting versus decision problems. $\#\mathsf{CYCLE} \in \FP$ implies $\P=\NP$.

Reading : Arora-Barak sec 17.1, 17.2

Lec 14 (18 Oct, Tue) : Definition of $\#\P$-completeness, parsimonious reductions. $\#\SAT$ is $\#\P$-complete. Permanent over $\{0,1\}$ matrices and it combinatorial interpretation via counting perfect matchings.

Reading : Arora-Barak sec 17,3

Lec () (20 Oct, Thu) : Class cancelled. To be compensated.

Lec () (25 Oct, Tue) : Class cancelled. To be compensated.

Lec 15 (27 Oct, Thu) : Computing Permanent over integer matrices. Combinatorial interpretation via cycle covers. Chain of reductions from (1) $\#\SAT$ to $\#\mathsf{3SAT}$ (2) $\#\mathsf{3SAT}$ to $Perm_{\{-1,0,1\}}$, (3) $Perm_{\{-1,0,1\}}$ to $Perm_{\{0,1,\ldots,n\}}$ and (4) $Perm_{\{0,1,\ldots,n\}}$ to $Perm_{\{0,1\}}$. Shows $\#\P$-hardness of Permanent.

Reading : Class notes.

Lec () (01 Nov, Tue) : Class cancelled. To be compensated.

Lec 16 (03 Nov, Thu) : Parsimonious reduction from $\#\mathsf{3SAT}$ to $Perm_{\{-1,0,1\}}$ - details of variable, clause and equality gadgets

Reading : Section 3 of this paper and class notes.

Lec 17 (04 Nov, Fri) : (Compensatory, continued from previous lecture) Argued correctness.

Reading : Section 3 of this paper and class notes.

Lec () (08 Nov, Tue) : Holiday due to Guru Nanak Jayanti.

Lec 18 (10 Nov, Thu) : Toda's Theorem. Statement and overview of proof. Introduction to $\USAT$, $\oplus \SAT$ and randomized reductions. Naive approaches and why they fail.

Reading : Arora-Barak, sec 17.4

Lec 19 (11 Nov, Fri) : (Compensatory) Valiant-Vazirani Lemma. Proof of randomized reduction from $\SAT$ to $\USAT$ assuming pairwise independent hash family. Construction of pairwise independent hash family.

Reading : Arora-Barak, sec 17.4, class notes

Lec 20 (15 Nov, Tue) : Amplifying the success probability of the randomized reduction. Showing $\SAT$, $\overline{\SAT}$ randomly reduces to $\oplus\SAT$ with high probability. Overview of $\Sigma_2^P\SAT$ reduces to $\oplus\SAT$.

Reading : Arora-Barak, sec 17.4. Also see this notes.

Lec 21 (17 Nov, Thu) : Randomized reduction for $\Sigma_2^p$-$\SAT$. Derandomization argument. Completed the proof of Toda's theorem.

Reading : Arora-Barak, sec 17.4.

Lec 22 (18 Nov, Fri) : (Compensatory) Mid Quiz

Reading :

Lec () (22 Nov, Tue) : Class cancelled

Lec 23 (24 Nov, Thu) : Introduction to Arthur Merlin protocols. Connection to randomized reductions - $\BP\cdot \NP$. Overview of GI is NP-complete implies PH collapses.

Reading : Arora-Barak, sec 8.2

Lec 24 (29 Nov, Tue) : Details of $\overline{\SAT}$ in $\BP\cdot\NP$ implies PH collapses. Overview and ideas for showing GNI has two round Arthur Merlin protocols. Course wrap-up.

Reading : See this write up on Goldwasser-Sipser protocol